
Self-portrait of the Artist as the Little Fourteen Years Old Dancer by Degas (1881, Musée d’Orsay, Paris)

Self-portrait of the Artist as the Little Fourteen Years Old Dancer by Degas (1881, Musée d’Orsay, Paris)

Self-portrait of the artist as a Medusa by Henri Perlan (1653, Musée Carnavalet, Paris)
Ed. 1/8 sq

Self-portrait of the Artist as the Sun King Louis XIV by Bernini (1665, Château de Versailles)

Marie-Antoinette Reheaded as a Geisha (Wengmuller , 1770, Musée de Sèvres)

Self-portrait of the Artist as Bathing Diane by Allegrain (1778, Musée du Louvre)

Self-portrait of the Artist as the Captive Negress by Carpeaux (1872, The Met, NYC)

Self-portrait of the Artist as Casanova (Lemoyne, 1730, Musée du Louvre)

Absence en gloire. Self-portrait

Self-portrait of the artist as a Faun by Germain Pilon (ca 1575, Musée du Louvre)

Self-portrait of the artist with Chimeras and Grotesque (ca 1550, Château de Blois)