The Isneg Bride, Philippines. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 7/10 & Ed. 10/10
The Zaire Bride with a Songye Fetish, XIX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The White Wari Bride with a Mortuary Head of a Pre-Columbian Mummy with Human Hair, 1,400-1,100 years before present,
Amazonia. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Bambara Bride, Mali. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Makonde Bride Wearing a Mask with Human Hair, Mozambique, early XXth Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Salampasu Bride, Kasai, Zaire. Self-portrait – Ed 10
The Ekoi Bride, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Japanese Daimon Bride, Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Tibetan Daimon Bride, XIX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Phoenix Bride, China, XIX th Century. Self-portrait – SO – AP 1/4 sq
The Yanomami Bride with a Tembe Neck Ornament and a Kayapo Headdress, Amazon, Brazil. Self-portrait – Ed. 8/10 sq
The Amazon Bride wearing an Urubu Kaapor Neck Ornament and a Kamayura Headdress, Brazil. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Karaja Bride with an Urubu Kaapor Labret Ornament, Amazon, Brazil. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 8/10 & HC 1/1 from auction sale
The Neolithic Bride, 9,000 years before present. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Chalcolithic Bride behind a Polished Obsidian Mirror, Tel Kabri, Northern Israel, 6,500 years before present. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Chalcolithic Bride Looking at a Polished Obsidian Mirror, Tel Kabri, Northern Israel, 6,500 years before present. Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Egyptian Bride behind a Polished Bronze Mirror, Saint-Jean d’Acre, Late Canaanite Period, 3,300-3,200 years before present.
Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Egyptian Bride Holding a Polished Bronze Mirror, Saint-Jean d’Acre, Late Canaanite Period, 3,300-3,200 years before present.
Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Canaanite Bride, Hazor, 3,300-3,200 years before present. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Berber Bride, Morocco, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Palestinian Bride from Hebron, Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Yemeni Bride, Sanaa, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – SO – AP 2/4 sq
The Golden Bride from Fez, Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Samarkand Bride, Uzbekistan. Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Kabil Bride, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Uzbek Bride wearing a Bukharan Wedding Crown, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Silver Berber Bride, Morocco, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – SO – AP 1/4 sq
The Sous Bride, Morocco. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Tunisian Bride, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Afghan Bride. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Kabul Bride, Self-portrait – Last Ed. 8/10
The Turkmenistan Bride, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Golden Bukhara Bride, Uzbekistan, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Bride King of Judeae, Treasure of the Nahal Mishmar Cave, Judean Desert, Chalcolithic Period, 6,000 years before present.
Self-portrait – Ed. 8/10 sq
The Bird Bride, Ilongot. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Manchu Bride. Self-portrait – SO
The Cameroon Bride. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Pende Bride, Congo. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Naga Bride, Birmany. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/8 sq
The Yoruba Bride, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 7/8 & Ed. 8/8
The Double Bride. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Faceless Bride. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Monkey Bride, Ilongot. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Billie Holiday Bride with an Ashetu Hat, Cameroon Grassfields. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Meditating Bride with an Ashetu Hat, Cameroon Grassfields. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Mbala Bride, Zaïre. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Kirdi Bride, Cameroon. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Golden Bamun Bride, Cameroon. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Black Akha Bride, Thailand. Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Cameroon Bride, Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Bamun Bride with Feathers, Cameroon Grassfields – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Bamanan Chiwara Bride, Mali. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Philippines Bride, Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Ohaguro Bride. Self-portrait (The Awakening of Reason Produces Beauty) – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Red Akamba Bride with Kikuyu Earings, Kenya. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 10/10
The Blue Kenya Bride with Luo and Turkana Ornaments. Self-portrait – SO – AP 1/4 sq
The Red Yoruba Bride, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Ed. 7/10 sq
The Golden Yoruba Bride, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 10/10
The Blue Yoruba Bride, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 9/10 & Ed. 10/10
The King Yoruba Bride, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Bride with a Noh Mask, Self-portrait – SO – AP 2/4 sq
The Noh Bride. Self-portrait – Ed. 10
The Bride with a Noh Moustache, Japan, XIXth Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 1/10 & Ed. 8/10 sq Venise/Eleonora
The Demoiselle d’Avignon Bride wearing an Idoma Mask with Human Hair, Nigeria. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Kenyan Bride with an Antic Mpooro Engorio. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 8/10 & Ed. 9/10
The White Makonde Bride, Tanzania/Mozambique.Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Sienna Abelam Bride with a Yam Mask, Papua-New-Guinea. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The White Abelam Bride with a Yam Mask, Papua-New-Guinea. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 8/10 & Ed. 9/10
The Abelam Bride with a Baba Initiation Mask, East Sepik, Papua-New-Guinea. Self-portrait – Ed. 6/10 sq
The Baba Bride Behind Her Initiation Mask, Abelam, East Sepik, Papua-New-Guinea. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Afghani Bride with a Bukhara Cap. Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Bukhara Bride with a Black Burkha. Self-portrait – Ed. 2/10 sq
The Cowrie Bride, Yoruba. Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Bride Meditating with a Meditating Buddha, China, 1100 years before present. Self-portrait – Ed. 8/10 sq
The Amaterasu Bride. Self-portrait – SO – AP 1/4 sq
The Golden Bride from Rabat, Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Red Palestinian Bride, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Last Ed. 9/10 & Ed. 10/10
The Bethlehem Bride, early XX th Century. Self-portrait – Ed. 710 sq
The Blue Bride from the Atlas, Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Polish Bride with a XIXth Century Crown, remembering Goya. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The El Dorado Bride (Gold Pectoral, Macaracas, Azuero, Panama, 1,100-500 before present; Nose & Neck Gold Ornaments, Moche,
Peru, 1,900-1,700 before present; Gold Hair Ornament, Lambayeque, Peru, 1,100-900 before present). Self-portrait
– Ed. 3/10 sq
The Bride King of Vicus (North of Peru, 1,800-1,300 years before present) with Gold Ear Ornaments (Quimbaya, Columbia, 1,000-
800 years before present) and a Gold Pectoral (Muisca, Columbia, 2,100-1,900 years before present). Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Blue Wari Bride with a Mortuary Head of a Pre-Columbian Mummy with Human Hair, 1,400-1,100 years before present,
Amazonia. Self-portrait – Ed. 3/10 sq
The Maasai Bride Wearing a Warrior’s Face Ruff, Kenya. Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Gelede Bride, Yoruba. Self-portrait – Ed. 4/10 sq
The Papuan Bride, New-Guinea. Self-portrait – Ed. 5/10 sq
The Golden Makonde Bride with a Lipiko Mask, Tanzania. Self-portrait – Ed. 10